Amazon Echo Dot - 4th Gen

Amazon Echo Dot - 4th Gen[View Larger Item Image]

Echo Dot is a hands-free, voice-controlled device with a small built-in speaker it can also connect to your speakers or headphones over Bluetooth or through a 3.5 mm audio cable to deliver stereo sound to the speakers you choose. Dot connects to the Alexa Voice Service to play music, make calls, send and receive messages, provide information, news, sports scores, weather, and more instantly. Echo Dot can hear you from across the room, even while music is playing. When you want to use Echo Dot, just say the wake word Alexa and Dot responds instantly. If you have more than one Echo or Echo Dot, Alexa responds intelligently from the Echo you're closest to with ESP (Echo Spatial Perception). When combined with compatible smart devices and hubs, Echo turns into a voice controlled Electronic Aid to Daily Living (EADL) or Environmental Control Unit (ECU). Amazon continues to expand this product's capabilities, so check on their web site for their latest developments and a list of compatible smart phone products. Requires wi-fi access for operation. To enable smart home skills or to control compatible hubs, you will need the Alexa app. Contact MonTECH to ensure desired skill is enabled; a tablet or other smart device may also need to be borrowed from MonTECH. **The purchase of this item was made possible through the Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth Mini-Grant program and in partnership with the Montana Family2Family Health Information Center in order to support telehealth efforts across the state. For more information, visit** Electronic Aid to Daily Living, EADL, Environmental Control Unit, EDU, Smart Home, Home Automation

Loan Status:
Checked Out
Length of Loan:
30 days.
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Manuals and Accessories:
Loan includes device and power cord

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