Hands Free Crutch- iWalk3.0
**Requires a doctor or therapist approval** iWALK3.0 is an alternative to crutches or knee scooter. It will allow hands free mobility. Walking will not be as easy as before your injury, but after a short adaptation period of 1-3 days you can be hands free and functional during your non-weightbearing period. In order for this to work for you, you need to have been able to walk up stairs without a rail prior to your injury. You must be able to balance on your uninjured leg for at least 30 sec. And your injury must be below the knee on one leg only. For amputees, you must have at least 4 in. of residual limb below the knee. Sizing info: upper leg length min. 12" max 18"; low leg length min. 13.75 max. 20"; max thigh circumference (at top of leg) 28"; weight capacity 275 lbs.
You must have a physical or occupational therapist's approval before borrowing this item. Please have the therapist fill out the Therapist Approval Form and then upload the signed form when you request this item.
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