Financial Assistance

Financial Loan Program

MonTECH and Rural Dynamics offer a financial loan program for those looking at affordable ways to finance assistive technology. The Montana Assistive Technology Loan Program (MATL) offers Montanans with disabilities, or their family members, the ability to purchase assistive technology (AT) for a variety of needs:

  • Hearing & Vision
  • Daily Living Equipment
  • Communication Devices
  • Home & Building Access
  • Electronic Devices
  • Vehicle Loans & Modifications
  • Scooters, Wheelchairs, etc.
  • Adaptive Recreation
  • and much much more!

Interest rates are 0% for loans up to $1,500, and 3.5% for loans up to $50,000.  You can begin the loan application process here.

If you have questions or need help filling out an application, please contact Julie Williams:

By Phone: 406-243-5449
By email:

rural dynamics logo 
MATL logo shows the state of Montana fading into the abbreviation for the Montana Assistive Technology Financial Loan Program.


Funding Resource Guide

Identifying a funding source or assistance to pay for part or all of an Assistive Technology (AT) device is often the final step to acquisition. Many funding sources are available, and each has its own requirements for eligibility and guidelines for the types and amounts of AT funding provided. MonTECH’s funding resource guide below is intended to help consumers find funding sources to help them acquire the AT they need and want.

If your browser or mobile device does not support iFrames, click here to view the funding resource guide.