
Why should you give to MonTECH? Because MonTECH is about independence! Montanans are fiercely independent. Montanans with disabilities, acquired or developmental, or no different! Most of us will experience some level of disability in our lives; even age-related vision and hearing problems can seriously impact your quality of life and your relationships. MonTECH purchases assistive technology and adaptive equipment to mitigate or overcome physical challenges and learning disabilities. We lend those tools for free.

Our mission to provide Montanans access to assistive technology includes a commitment to maintain a quality, up-to-date lending inventory. Each year, our Clinical Coordinators research advancements in their fields and write up a wish list. Due to the high cost of technology and adaptive equipment, only about one-third of that list can be purchased and made available to Montanans.

Your gift could help us add to our lending inventory. You could request that your gift be spent on a particular category of equipment (communication devices, eye-gaze, vision, etc.), or you could offer to buy a device for someone who has no funding source.

Regardless of how much you give or how you want it used, MonTECH’s team would like to thank you for giving to our program and supporting our mission of improving Montanan lives with technology.

You can donate now by filling out the form below. If you have questions, please contact .

Some donations of equipment and technology accepted year-round

We accept some donations of equipment and technology (as our space allows). These include: durable medical equipment, walkers, electronic aids for daily living, working tablets, pediatric equipment, adaptive sports equipment, etc.