Wheels Across Montana Program (WAM)


Wheels Across Montana logo

Wheels Across Montana (WAM) loans adaptive trikes to Montanans who are unable to ride a standard bike. Our trikes accommodate a range of ages and abilities and can be borrowed for 30 days, with loan extensions possible in some circumstances.

WAM trikes can be borrowed in five locations: Missoula, Helena, Billings, Poplar, and Dillon.  All loan requests are made through MonTECH’s website. When requesting equipment, please make sure you’re searching the WAM site closest to you. Once your request has been processed by MonTECH, our community partner will contact you about picking up your trike.  Returns are also made to the community partner. (If the trike you want is currently waitlisted, get on that waitlist so you can be next in line!)

Need help requesting a trike? Contact Us!

Older man with white mustache and beard smiles while pedaling a lime-green trike down a neighborhood street.

Two men sit on a tandem recumbent trike. The man in back is lifting his arm up in triumph. The man in front gives the "hang loose" gesture. They are smiling, wearing bike helmets, and parked lakeside with water and mountains in the background.

To learn more about our community partners, visit their websites below:

Pretty young women with long, curling blond hair smiles while riding a trike along a path in a green park.


WAM was initially funded by a generous grant from the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation.