MonTECH does not sell anything. Instead, we loan devices and equipment and offer free 1:1 support. Loans are typically 30, 90, or 180 days (limited to 12 items at a time).
Residents of the Missoula area pick up equipment at our office on the U of M campus. For those living elsewhere in Montana, MonTECH provides free shipping/return shipping (although some items are too expensive to ship and must be picked up in Missoula; see item description).
Use MonTECH to explore tools to help you meet challenges, trial a device, or serve a temporary need. We house equipment for vision and hearing impairment, learning disabilities, communication issues, and mobility and positioning needs. We also loan adaptive recreation equipment.
Search for Equipment
Find what you need using the categories below. Click on a category, select an item, then proceed to check-out. You will be prompted to log in or create an account to request an item. If you know exactly what you’re looking for, you can use the search window.

Independence in Daily Life


AT for Public School Teams and Students
Reading, Music and PE
Behavior and Sensory Supports
Cooking and Eating
Vision and Hearing

AgEquipt: Agricultural-Specific Adaptive Equipment
Local Pick-up Locations
While MonTECH can ship most items to you, some equipment is too large or heavy to ship and must be picked up in Missoula. A variety of frequently requested items are also available for pick up at our Billings location on the MSU-Billings campus. Below, find a list of equipment available for pick up in Billings.
Please contact MonTECH if you have questions about where your requested loan items are located.
- Missoula–Most items are available for pick up and drop off in Missoula.
- Billings local pickup items
Request New Item for Inventory
Have you seen assistive technology you would like added to our inventory?
Please fill out the request equipment form and our staff will consider your equipment request.
Montana Deaf-Blind Project (MTDB).
Wheels Across Montana (WAM).